Wednesday 19 December 2012

Colombia's Caribbean Coast: Taganga & Tayrona

After another 15 hour bus ride we arrived in Taganga with no real clue as to where we would stay; unfortunately one of the locals picked up on this and offered to take us to a hostel. We both believed that he owned a hostel and willingly went along, little were we to know that in fact he was just looking to sell us a couple of the local specialities and upon failing that he informed us that a tip for his services was required...we won't be falling for that one again.

We ended up picking our hostel due to the views that it offered over the bay below, however upon discovering that no other guests were at the hostel we went upstairs to enquire as to where people went out at night. Continuing our good luck we were informed that where we were staying was in fact the biggest party in Taganga; so much for a few days of rest and relaxation.


Deciding that we wouldn't be getting much sleep we headed upstairs that evening and ran into a couple of Aussies who were heading out on a fishing trip the following day, so we decided that we would go along and do a bit of snorkeling and hopefully catch some fresh fish for our lunch. This of course did not happen, after getting on the boat to find two rods and two hand reels for the seven of us we cruised around aimlessly with the guides telling us that it was just an unlucky day (as I'm sure most of them are) and eventually we were forced to pull over so that the guides could buy our lunch...not quite what we were expecting.

The Guides

The Group

After lunch we headed out for one last attempt at catching fish; of which we managed to catch two between all of us; of course I managed to get the largest one!! The day was enjoyable nonetheless however I hope that Central America will bring more successful days out on the water.

Catch of the day!!
The following day we decided just to chill out around the town and visit a nicer beach about a 20 minute walk away; the beach wasn't that nice that it's worth including any photos. We headed down to Taganga Beach for the sunset which was pretty impressive however another early night ensued due to the fact that we were heading to Tayrona National Park the following day.

Stunning Sunset
We had heard many good things about Tayrona however a lack of time meant that we were unable to spend the night there and thus got to look forward to a day filled with walking and hopefully lots of sunshine. Upon arrival at the park Alex discovered that for his student discount to be valid he needed to have a copy of his passport as well; something that he wouldn't let go of for the next 8 hours. We knew there was going to be a lot of walking however I also managed to get us lost for close to an hour that further added to Alex's frustrations. Once we finally made it to the beaches they were simply amazing and it made us rue the decision not to overnight in a hammock...oh well there is always next time!

First Impressions

Not A Bad View

Cabo San Juan Beach
The Postcard Shot
The trip to Tayrona brought our time in Taganga to an end and as I mentioned in my last post we are currently in Cartagena. We are heading to Panama tomorrow so I will try and sneak one more post in before we leave...

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