Friday 2 November 2012

Copacana: Not Brazil But A Pretty Nice Hill!

We arrived in Copacabana on Monday afternoon after a $3, 3 hour bus ride from La Paz. We were the last on the minibus which meant that we were forced to sit up front next to the driver. I figured this wouldn't be a problem however the lack of space meant that every time the driver went to put the van in 5th gear he ended up stroking my left leg (this happened quite often due to his strong desire to remain in the highest gear possible and thus save petrol)

We checked into Las Olas, described in the Lonely Planet as a once in a lifetime experience and well worth the splurge; which was definitely the case as my Dad was paying!

Looking up to Las Olas

Of course I got the single bed
One of the better views I've had from my bedroom
The rest of Monday was spent lounging around planning our trip for the following day to the Isla Del Sol. We got down to the docks (shonky wooden jettys) at 8am on Tuesday morning for the trip to the Island which we were told would take 2 hours. Half way through my Dad pointed out that he could swim faster than the boat; a bit of an exaggeration on his behalf (arrogance), however not too far from the truth.

Upon arrival at the North end of the island we headed off to the Gold Museum; quite why it is called this I will never know due to the fact that there is not one piece of gold in it, I can only imagine it is called this due to the gold mine it is for the local community from misleadingly selling tourists tickets to enter!

Fortunately the tickets also enabled us to head further onto the island to look at some rocks (I would put a picture on here but it really isn't worth it, so I'll put a few others on instead

Two seriously good pieces of Ass

One of the more exciting rock formations
After checking out the wonders of the North side of the island we headed towards the South hoping to stumble across an Inca wonder...

Searching for greener pastures
Instead of Inca ruins we found an Inca rip-off; a ticket checkpoint in the middle of the Island where the only option is to buy the ticket and move on

At least we got a photo out of it
A rose amongst the thorns
When we did finally manage to reach the South side of the Island it seemed some people were so keen to leave that they decided to build a boat out of reeds

In all seriousness Isla Del Sol is well worth the visit; the views are incredible even if the Inca monuments are not that impressive. We did not stay overnight on the island however there was a large variety of hostels and I would consider doing this if I visit it again.

On Wednesday we decided to spend most of the day relaxing; although we did manage to head up to Cerro Calvario to check out the views.

Looking down on the town

Typical tourist
Copacabana itself was one of the most chilled out towns I have ever visited and I would definitely recommend it to anyone who was visiting Bolivia. Las Olas was simply incredible and well worth the investment, due to its popularity it is necessary to book in advance. I am currently in Cusco and heading off to walk the Inca Trail tomorrow morning so I will write about that when I get back next week. Unfortunately this means that I will miss Melbourne Cup; my hot pick is number 6 so make sure you put a bet on that little beauty (whoever it is). Anyway I'll just include a couple more of my photos from Lake Titicaca for the fun of it...

Tough day at the office

 Unfortunately, that's it for this post, however I will aim to get another one done at some stage next week regarding the Inca Trail.

Enjoy your weekend and good luck on Tuesday!

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