Thursday 1 November 2012

Partying in La Paz: Charlie's Favourite Pastime

Fortunately I managed to make it to La Paz with far fewer problems than getting to Sucre. I planned on meeting an Aussie that I met in Buenos Aires in La Paz so booked myself into Wild Rover Hostel. Due to the fact that I arrived so early in the morning I headed to the bar to catch up with my blog posts, little did I know that this would end up with me attempting "the world's most dangerous vindaloo" with six Irishmen.

I felt worse than I look...but still not as bad as the other guy
 I managed to finish the curry after 90 minutes and a quick bathroom break thus ending "vomit free since Sydney!!"

Definitely worth the free T-Shirt
After an eventful afternoon I headed back to the hostel to prepare for the night ahead, however the curry had other ideas! I did manage to make it out although I must admit that I was not in top form so I decided to make up for it over the next few nights...

Full Moon Party


Pre-party prepping

Bolivian Fancy Dress
In between the partying and hangovers I did manage to force myself to abseil 50m face first out of a building

A Tentative First Few Steps

And I'm Freeeeefalling...

One of the main reasons I went to La Paz so early was to go to Rurrenabaque; a town located in the Amazon jungle. Unfortunately during my time in La Paz many flights were being cancelled due to bad weather, so with Rolance, Eddie, Callum and Alex, I decided to head down to Coroico for a couple of days for some canyoning and ziplining

REACT: Our self-titled boy band name (after our first initials)

Our First Album Cover

I wanted to add a photo mid-jump however poor photography means this will have to do...

Zipline #1

After a few days in Coroico we headed back to La Paz for one last night of partying before Eddie, Callum, Rols and Alex headed to Copacabana, whilst I met my Dad. After meeting him, I took him on a city tour which basically involved visiting a few plazas, Killi Killi Lookout and San Pedro Prison. Earlier in my stay in La Paz I had considered trying to bribe my way into the prison however decided against it when I spoke to a few other travellers who had managed to bribe their way in successfully only for it to take another 3 days to bribe their way out!!

A long shot of San Pedro Prison

Killi Killi Lookout

Album Cover #2 (minus Eddie)

Looking down on La Paz at sunset

On Sunday we headed off to tackle the world's most dangerous road with the company "Vertigo Biking". The day was good fun, however I did manage to destroy the chain system on my bike and was consequently forced to ride on a backup that only had one working least it was good for my fitness (my beach body is coming along quite nicely!!)

All ready to go
The journey begins...

Jumping off  "The Balcony"
Leading the way...
Father and Son safely at the finish line
Although I stayed in La Paz for quite a lot longer than I anticipated in the end it all worked out for the best. After La Paz I headed to Copacabana in Bolivia (I will blog about this shortly) and I am currently in Cusco after a 10 hour bus ride. I start the Inca Trail on Saturday morning so will try and get in another post before then, and if I don't I promise I will fill you in as soon as I get back...

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