Wednesday 3 October 2012

Some Waterfalls I Stumbled Upon

I had decided before my trip that my next stop after Rio was going to be Iguazu Falls, what I hadn't decided was how I was going to get there. I tried to book a flight which was around $60 online however I was notified that it could only be booked by a travel agent with a Brazilian credit card. Off I headed to the travel agent with high hopes only to be told that the cheapest flight was $200 so consequently walked out with a $60 ticket for a 24 hour bus ride. I'm sure we could have got there in 12 had we not stopped every 90 minutes for no apparent reason.

Anyway there isn't really much else that needs to be said about the falls except I visited both the Brazilian ($20 entry) and Argentinian ($30 entry) sides.

I took loads of photos so cant upload them all but here are some of my favourites

I should be very good at selfies by the end of the disadvantage of travelling alone

I just arrived in Cordoba, so will hopefully post about my time in Buenos Aires over the next few days

Until next time


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