Monday 22 October 2012

Sucre: As Sweet As The Name Suggests

The bus I booked out of Uyuni left at 7:00pm and arrived at 2:00am which I figured would not be a problem; a serious misjudgement on my part. After wandering around town for close to 2 hours, unsuccessfully trying to find a hostel for the night I perched myself of the steps of HI Sucre and waited for sunrise.

I managed to check in just after 6:00am after which I slept for a few hours and then went into town to explore and book a trip for the following day. I tried numerous agencies and eventually settled for a full day quad bike tour starting at 10:00 am. The rest of the day consisted of me not doing much, mainly catching up on my blogging and booking a bus to La Paz for after the tour.

Tuesday morning came around and I checked out of my hostel, which much to my surprise only charged me for one night, so perhaps the 4 hours out in the cold was worth it after all!!

After a quick overview of how to ride an ATV, I headed of into the hills with John and Roisin (an Irish couple) and Henry (our guide). The tour started well until I somehow managed to get a flat tire after about 15 minutes...not a good sign for the rest of the day!

Pumping up my flat tire
Fortunately after a quick piece of DIY from Henry we were ready to go and headed off into the hills

Even though the tour was quite expensive ($95), it was definitely worth it, especially considering the other option was a five hour walk into the hills for $50. Apart from the tour I didn't get up to much in Sucre, I just had a wander around  the town which was rather nice and then decided to head to La Paz to meet up with some guys that I had met earlier in the trip

I'll be in La Paz until this time next week and am meeting up with my Dad on Saturday afternoon...hopefully he books a decent hotel because I have had enough of slumming it in hostels

I'll write another update after he arrives...

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